Three years ago, our client Charlene faced a pivotal moment in her healthcare journey. Initially content with her Medicare Advantage plan, a significant medical event experienced by her sister, Amanda, prompted Charlene to reassess her coverage. Amanda’s cancer...
We often encounter clients facing complex situations that demand personalized solutions. One such case involved a husband who, at 65, was ready to embark on his Medicare journey, while his wife was still under 65. The husband wasn’t happy with his job’s...
You’ve decided that you want to go into a Medigap plan, also known as Medicare supplement, and you’re concerned the preexisting conditions affect your coverage. Do they affect your costs? Well, it depends. It depends on whether you’re already in a...
Hi everyone, Time and again, I’m on the phone with a client of mine answering questions like “Am I automatically enrolled in Medicare when I turn 65?” or “Can I get a Medigap plan at anytime?”. Let’s clear things up. Check out the...
Did you know that May is melanoma skin cancer detection and Prevention Month? Now, of course, you didn’t, most people don’t, but it is and it had me thinking about cancer and the fact that we don’t talk about cancer when we discuss Medicare coverage...